When purchasing coal mine pumps, take into consideration exactly what you are looking for. Because of the tough environments in which these pumps exist, the reliability and durability of the unit is an important consideration. The overall design of pumps from the body to the overall function plus the quality of the provider is also significant. Coal mine companies need to find pumps that are easy to service and can be designed to fit into any environmental situation above ground or submerged.
Tru-Flo Pump offers a wide variety of coal mine pumps to meet your needs. Not only do their pumps have a proven track record of reliability and an unbeatable track record, which is made clear by Golding Contractory Pty, Ltd, when they say, “I’m sold on the Tru-Flo Pump,” but Tru-Flo Pump utilises advanced hydraulic engineering for fast priming, better flow, higher head and a great efficiency. A major problem with other pumps is fast erosion due to rough environmental conditions and mechanical seal failures. Tru-Flo Pump focuses providing stainless steel construction and mechanical seal protection to combat those issues.
When it comes to coal mine pumps, Tru-Flo Pump offers a wide selection of choices from slurry pumps, positive displacements pumps, diaphragm pumps and gear pumps among other choices. These pumps set the standard in quality, dependability, innovation and ruggedness. Tru-Flo Pump manufactures each part with exceptionally high standards from a highly qualified team of machinists, craftsmen and mechanics. Tru Flo Pump promises the best service and easy maintenance, and you will get the right pump for you and your needs.