Pumps are extremely essential devices that have now become the cornerstone of any modern society. All of us make use of pumps in our day-to-day lives to get several tasks done. Be it flood control, marine service, chemical movement, gasoline supply, water supply, or fire fighting, pumps are staple devices for all our essential tasks. Even though pumps have such widespread usage, people still make mistakes while choosing a pump for their needs. This is why a plethora of critical factors must be considered before buying a pump.
- One of the most fundamental questions for pump selection involves the liquid or fluid to be pumped. Naturally, all pumps are not designed to pump all types of fluid. There are specific pump groups designed for handling clear water, sewage, grey water, and saltwater. If you are looking to pump drinking water, stainless steel pumps are considered to be most appropriate.
- Another critical consideration is the volume of water that needs to be pumped. This factor dictates the output of the pump you are looking to purchase. Each pump covers a certain range and there are many different types. Grey water pumps can typically move up to 30 cubic meters per second. If the pumped water needs to pass through any pipes, the diameter of such pipes must be taken into account.
- The next point is related to the height to which the medium is required to be pumped. Higher the water needs to be pumped; the lower will be the pumping volume. The critical factor to be considered here is the difference in absolute height between the upper and lower water level. If you want to pump up to more than 200 meters, high pressure pumps can be used. The same type of pumps can also be used for very large horizontal distances.
- Snoring is a common problem that takes place if the water level is too low at the removal points. This results in quick overheating of the pump motor, and can be a serious concern because there is no water available for cooling. Dry-run protection feature can protect your pump from this torture.
- If your pump will be used infrequently, you should opt for a pump with level sensors because they are capable of automatically switching on and off. Compared to mechanical contact switches, electrode sensors are much more reliable. Another alternative is to use an external control unit.
- Presence of solid matters in the fluid to be pumped in another key consideration. This factor is particularly important while purchasing sewage and grey water pumps. Compared to other pumps, these pumps tend to get blocked quickly and require impellers with cutting blades.
- In general, the temperature of pumped media is found to be around 40 degrees centigrade. Customised solutions are needed for handling fluids with higher temperatures. A seal and heat discharge process are important design features for such pumps. Also, more heat can be discharged by pumps with a spiral casing or an outlet at the top.
If you still have doubts about the selection of pump for you specific need, feel free to contact us at Tru-Flow Pumps. With a full range of systems, we provide cost saving, efficient, and reliable pumping solutions for all types of applications.