When you invest in pumps and other hydraulic technology, it’s usually because your environment is subject to rapidly changing conditions that can lead to emergencies. Otherwise, it’s because you’re in construction, probably beneath the ground. Regardless of your circumstances, it’s best to make your pumps last as long as possible by treating them with care and by following a few simple procedures to guarantee efficiency and lifespan. The following guide by Truflow has been written to help you ensure your pumps remain working long after you’ve bought them, so that you’re getting the best bang out of your buck and are remaining productive on the site you’re working at.
Essentially, invest all you can in measuring instruments, like sensors and transmitters, to protect your expensive pump from serious damage brought about my dry running or other situations. For a couple of hundred dollars you’ll be able to reduce harm to your pump along several metrics:
- Cavitation – Cavitation occurs when bubbles inside high-speed liquids pop and cause pressure spikes. These pressure spikes can damage the tensile capacity of your pump. To rectify this problem, the available suction pressure must be greater than the suction head required at all times.
- Discharge pressure: Inefficient pressure, either too little or too much, on the outlet side of your pump significantly reduces a power plant’s capacity to perform to standard. By investing in a solid pressure gage you’re able to manipulate your pumping mechanism to ensure pressure is optimum and a long life for all your components.
- Flow temperature – When pumps aren’t processed enough liquid, they overheat and tend to fail. When they’re nearly empty, pumps are ‘dry running’. When they’re completely empty, they’re ‘dead-headed’. Buy a temperature gage for your pumps to ensure you’re notified correctly when the job’s completed.
- Fluid Discharge Through Seal Pots – Pumping systems that are processing dangerous materials must not leak or the surrounding environment can readily face hazard. Double seals are used in this case to provide additional barriers preventing leakage. Only the best double seals can provide a clean, pressurized fluid seal, so make sure to not opt for cheap components that can pose harm to your entire operation.
- Pressure and Suction – Highly accurate temperature and suction sensors and transmitters can be adjusted to monitor for sub-optimal fluctuations within a pump’s moving components. These can be adjusted for readily.
- Temperature at the Bearings – Changes in the bearings contained in a pump’s motor can indicate an incoming failure or change in load. Temperature gages in this area can monitor for likely signs of damage, allowing the operator to calibrate his settings for optimum performance.
For all your pumping needs, visit our online store or call us today to find out more about our products. Continue reading our blogs for other insights into best practice when pumping. Look after your pumps so that your operation is a sure success and so you remain under budget at all times.