Our Core Values
Our Core Values are the framework for which we make all decisions. We execute our purpose by living our Core Values daily.Every interaction should reflect our belief in our Core Values.

Be Creative, Passionate and Driven
Be Creative – Do more with less. Use creative thinking to address a customer’s concerns. Bring new ideas to the table that benefit the customer and Truflo Pumps. Don’t be afraid to step out of our comfort zones and be creative. Be Passionate – Take pride in our efforts. Come to work every day with a desire to better ourselves, Truflo Pumps and the customer experience. We should all be passionate about the purpose of Truflo Pumps. Be Driven – Set personal goals. Set professional goals. Write down goals and work towards those goals daily. World Class is 5% idea, 95% execution.

Be Honest and Open
Be Honest – At Truflo Pumps we pride ourselves on doing what’s right. We are upfront, honest and transparent with our words and actions. We stay true to our high regard for ethical practices because we know it’s the right thing to do and it does not compromise future business. Be Open – To change, to improvement, to suggestions. Communication is key. Be open to sharing our ideas, be receptive to others’ ideas. Communication should be open and honest so that our statements and conversations reflect Truflo Pumps’ Core Values.

Take Ownership and Be Humble
Take Ownership – Accept complete responsibility for ourself and everything that happens to us. Don’t criticize, don’t make excuses or blame others for anything. Focus on resolution rather than blame. Keep our focus and our energy on solutions, improvement and the future. When we blame others, we give up our power to change. Be Humble – Leave our ego at the door. We must remind ourselves that we don’t know everything, we are not perfect, but will always try and improve, learn and better ourselves, the team and Truflo Pumps. Humility helps build relationships and stronger bonds between ourselves and the customer. Those individuals who can blend personal humility with an intense professional will, achieve greater levels of success and happiness in their personal and professional lives compared to those who have one or the other or neither.

Be Appreciative
We all have choices, and these choices dictate how we feel and act. Appreciation has no downside! It alters how we perceive and interpret what happens to us. It changes how we respond to situations and events, which in turn changes how colleagues and customers respond to us. Appreciation takes bravery and resolve. It’s the road less travelled, and not all people choose to take it. When we choose thoughts of valuing and appreciation as our primary state, we are taking the high road. We are saying no to blame, to bitterness, and revenge.

Be Hungry
We are hungry and always looking for more. More things to learn. More things to sell. More things to improve on. More responsibility to take on. Hungry people almost never have to be pushed to do more because they are self-motivated and diligent. They are constantly thinking about the next step and next opportunity.